When a drugstore owner decided to take on this new scourge head on.
By using suitable products and applying my recommendations, you will be able to get rid of bed bugs. But be careful, this is a very difficult insect to fight, so there is no room for improvisation.

To kill and permanently eliminate bedbugs, you need to know them well.
Where do they hide, what do they absolutely need to live and reproduce, what are their weak points, what products are really effective, are these products toxic, how much does treatment cost, are there more economical treatments, where do they hide their eggs, how can they be eradicated?
Heat treatment is 100% effective

Improper treatment causes bedbugs to spread throughout the apartment and then throughout the building.
To get rid of bedbugs permanently, I suggest you discover the right actions, my drugstore tips and the right products : How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Without Getting Poisoned