- How to talk to your neighbors about bedbugs?
- How do you know if you have bedbugs in your home?
- How to do preventive treatment?
- How to treat yourself if bedbugs have taken up residence in your home?
- Natural or chemical treatment, who pays?
- How to control your bed?
- Bedbug, cockroach infestation, WHO PAYS?
- Did you know?
How to talk to your neighbors about bedbugs?
Bed bugs can be everywhere in the building. The most effective thing would be for everyone to treat at the same time. But it is very difficult to tell your neighbors that you have bed bugs in your home or to ask them if they have them in theirs. Lack of awareness of the problem, shame and guilt will cause your neighbors not to communicate.
Additionally, if you are the first occupant to report a bed bug problem in the building, you may be charged with bringing the bed bugs into the building.
I bring you the solution to communicate in complete anonymity.
Below is a label to print and stick discreetly in the elevator and near mailboxes.
No one will know who stuck it , your neighbors will be informed of the presence of bedbugs, they will know what to do.
This information will be enough to unblock the situation and get people talking. This will be the right time to propose making a group request to the building manager to have the common areas treated.

How do you know if you have bedbugs in your home?
Most often, it is when you realize that you have been bitten during the night.
There are no characteristic forms of bites that would allow us to identify bedbugs . We react very unequally. Some people do not get bitten, others get bitten, but do not develop any trace of a bite. Most often these bites cause unbearable itching , and very unsightly red bumps . Some people can have very serious allergic reactions.
What characterizes bedbug bites is that they always bite in the dark (in bed, on the couch, in theaters), and they bite several times, two to six bites on a surface as large as the palm of the hand. These bites will preferably be found on exposed areas, the face, arms, legs, back . Fleas will prefer to bite under the jersey, under the armpits.
If in doubt, you can do a bedbug test.
- Either with a detector dog, but it is quite expensive, count on 200 to 250 €
- Either with the detector to test an entire apartment at the price of €24.90. In 5 minutes, you will know if there are bedbugs in your home. It's very simple : spray the head of the bed, the mattress, the bedside tables, the electrical outlets, make it dark, and immediately phosphorescent traces indicate the presence of bedbugs.
How to do preventive treatment?
Bed bugs love to sneak into narrow, dark passages. To move from one apartment to another or from one floor to another, they go through dry risers (where water and electricity risers pass), through stairwells, elevators, and the facade of the building.
For preventive treatment, simply spray BSI STOP Insects on the window surrounds (exterior and interior sides), the door surrounds (also exterior and interior sides), and on dry columns (be careful not to spray directly on an electrical panel). BSI STOP Insects is a powerful, inexpensive insecticide that does not stain and leaves no odor after drying. It is absolutely undetectable.
How to treat yourself if bedbugs have taken up residence in your home?
- Don't be discouraged, by following my advice you will get there , and it is much cheaper.
- Avoid scattering insects. Adopt the encirclement technique, I explain it to you in the articles of my blog. Do not shake the sheets out of the window. Do not leave contaminated objects at the foot of the building, it is the best way to contaminate the entire building.
- It is necessary to combine chemical treatment with natural treatment.
So that you can quickly do your treatment, I have made a complete anti-bedbug kit for the treatment of a 20 m² room. You will find everything you need to act in an emergency.
Natural or chemical treatment, who pays?
How to successfully treat bedbugs yourself? Should you use chemicals, and are they dangerous? And finally, who is responsible for the infestation in the building?
You will find the answers to these questions in these articles of my blog:
- How to get rid of bedbugs without getting poisoned? Read the article
- Bedbugs, an effective treatment without pesticides or insecticides Read the article
- Bedbug, cockroach infestation, WHO PAYS? Read the article
How to control your bed?
Bed bugs leave traces of their passages . You will find these traces at the head of the bed, along the seams of the mattress, between the mattress and the box spring.
- Dried blood droppings that look like small black boogers. If you place one on a damp blotting paper, it will shoot out, leaving a very red blood trail.
- Molts. Bed bugs have 5 molts that they shed as they grow. These molts look like a small, light beige, translucent membrane.
- Eggs , but they are hard to see. They are white, pear-shaped, and measure +/- 1 millimeter.
- Blood stains that you may find on the mattress or sheets. These are blood-soaked bedbugs that the sleeper crushed while turning in bed.
- It is worth noting that most of the time you do not see bedbugs , they only come out in the dark to feed, and they return to hide in inaccessible corners.
Did you know?
Bedbugs have been on the rise in recent years. They are very difficult insects to destroy. It is therefore important to be well informed to combat them effectively.
It is a very discreet insect, it moves in the dark, and feeds exclusively on human blood by biting us. Bedbug bites are extremely irritating, and cause unbearable itching and gouged spots . Bedbugs multiply very quickly. A bedbug is the cause of 30,000 bedbugs in 6 months. To avoid being invaded, you must do an initial preventive treatment , and you must regularly check your bedding.
The aptly named "bedbugs" begin to settle into your bed , in the nooks and crannies of the box spring , in the thickness of the mattress . During your sleep, they come out of their hiding places to bite you , and return to hide to digest and lay eggs.
Hoping that the information you find in my articles, and my experience of more than 30 years as a druggist, can be useful to you.