Ground-dwelling bees dig and lay eggs in grass. They do not sting and are very useful.
A question from Jean-François:
Hello Jean François,
I am invaded by ground-dwelling bees in September (3 to 4000 individuals). They make holes in the lawn (800m²) and destroy it. I have read all your usage advice carefully and have clearly understood the ecological interest of the thing. Nevertheless it is hellish for 1 month. I would therefore like to eliminate them using "SANITERPEN 5 L", is it suitable for my problem? Is it safe for the lawn? Thank you for your answers. Kind regards.
The chemist's answer:
I think it is urgent to do nothing.
Hello Jean-François,
Unless it's a swarm in a hollow in the ground, which would be a whole other problem.
The ground-dwelling bees that visit you are very important pollinators , so they play a vital role in your garden and more generally in our environment. I had some in my garden.
The good news is that they don't sting . The bees that dig in your lawn are fertilized females, so their stinger has been transformed into an egg-laying organ. The ground-dwelling bee is a solitary bee that digs an individual burrow. The time to lay eggs, and then she leaves. So, there is no collective swarm or bees under your lawn, there are only larvae that will escape in the spring.
If you water your garden with an insecticide, you will sterilize the soil by killing all the insects and worms that are there.
Prefer contemplation over action of these tireless pollinators who have chosen your garden because it is unpolluted. Reassured by the fact that they will not sting you, offer them a warm welcome knowing the benefit they represent for your environment.
2 Commentaires
La réponse est très bien sauf que la pelouse est saccagée avec de nombreux petits monticules de terre
Oct 24, 2024
Bonjour, je viens de lire cette discussion, je viens de tondre ma pelouse et les abeilles sont très en colère, j’en ai partout , elles voltigent dans tous les sens, j’ai arrêté du coup de tondre l’autre partie car j’ai eu peur. Elles venaient autour de moi car je les ai dérangées. Ok pour la nature mais çà veut dire que tous les ans j’aurai ce même soucis ? On est le 2 octobre 2024. N’y a t’il pas un produit comme les apiculteurs qui pourraient les rendre moins agressives ?? merci pour votre réponse.
marie pierre
Oct 24, 2024