Covid-19 confinement with bedbugs!
Confined to an apartment with bedbugs biting you constantly, with the children, the dog, the toys, the schoolwork, working from home: the situation can become untenable.
This is good news, and bad news.
Of course, the bad news is bed bugs.
The good news is that because you are present, treatment may be more effective.
Let me explain.
The difficulty with treatment is that bedbugs are never visible when treating. When you see them, it's because there are a lot of them, and those you see are only a part of them. The others are safe from treatment, hidden in the mattress and box spring, in electrical outlets, under laminate flooring or under the carpet.
An empty apartment is very difficult to treat because the bedbugs have no reason to leave their hiding places, and they can fast for 15 months.
So, your hyper presence will produce a strong agitation of the bedbugs. They will move much more than usual. This is the time to reinforce the treatments that I describe in my article " how to get rid of bedbugs without poisoning yourself ". Reinforce the mechanical treatments, and the chemical treatments. If the bedbugs move, it must be on poisoned surfaces for them to die.
The goal is also to do everything possible to prevent them from biting you, including making your bed inaccessible. I explain how in my article "how to get rid of bedbugs without getting poisoned", and in my article " Travel and bedbugs ".
The idea is to take advantage of the agitation of the bedbugs to kill them massively , while protecting yourself as much as possible from bites.
For anti Covid-19 treatment
Part of the work will be done, frequent washing of laundry at 60° or 90°.
All you need to do is clean and treat door handles, the TV remote control, switches, tables, and other worktops with Bactopin Plus. This is a disinfectant-cleaner used in hospitals, retirement homes, daycare centers, and of course to disinfect the home. Spray, leave for at least 5 minutes, wipe. For surfaces in contact with food, rinse. See the product
Take care of yourself, and try to take advantage of the confinement to eradicate bedbugs from your apartment.