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Cockroaches and cockroaches

An effective treatment to get rid of cockroaches and beetles.

Cockroaches and cockroaches are in the kitchen and bathroom. There are always more coming out, especially at night. How to get rid of them effectively.

The druggist's advice.

STOP Insects - BSI

(25 avis)

Grey Diatomaceous Earth - NATURAL DRUGSTORE

(9 avis)
STOP Insects in 2.5 L can - BSI
Available in 10 days

STOP Insects in 2.5 L can - BSI

(14 avis)

5 K.PRO Pesticide-Free Cockroach Traps

(3 avis)

Anti-cockroach and cockroach syringe 10g - K.pro

(3 avis)

Pulvérisateur à main 360°

(1 avis)
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The highest price is €139,00 Reset